Here are links we have personally found helpful and relevant to our ministry. We believe many of them may be a help to you, too. Only included on this page ministry are resource sites that we personally recommend and use.

Bible Teaching Resources

Answers in Genesis– A huge site containing helpful answers to many Bible questions. Be sure to check this one out. I use it for some of the toughest Bible questions.

Bible Gateway– Bible verses in many languages, plus many study tools.

Child Evangelism Fellowship– Training and resources for reaching children with the Gospel

E3 Resources– (Evangecube and other resources)

Evangelism Resources– Publishes Pastoral and other training resources for International use, available in several languages, and they allow free use by other evangelicals.

Every Child Ministries– Parent mission organization of the ECM Mwinda Project

Jesus Film Project– Film of the life of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke in many languages of the world.

Magdalena Project– The life of Jesus through the eyes of a woman, Mary Magdalena.

PAUL WASHER on Examining the Sinners Prayer – YouTube

Small Church Music Resources— mp3 files in a variety of styles, hundreds of public-domain hymns

Christian Mission to the Deaf–The mother of virtually all missions to the deaf in Africa, including those in Congo

Every Child Ministries The Mwinda Project is a part of the mission organization & sending agency, Every Child Ministries, serving African children in the name of Christ since 1985.

ECM Congo’s YouTube Channel, ECM Congo, where you can hear and see visualized Sunday school songs in Kikongo (Kituba).

Congo Mwinda Project– The Light of God’s Word for this and future generations in DR Congo through developing, printing and distributing Bible lesson guides for teachers of children in evangelical churches

See also Child Evangelism Fellowship and Evangelism Resources above.

Personal Links

Lorella Miller-John Rouster family history– Also tells about how we came to Christ and how we were called to serve as missionaries in Africa.


Black Genocide– Exposing the promotion of abortion amongst blacks as a method of genocide.

Lifesite News– News that is pro-life, pro-family, and for marriage as Jesus described it.